Penny Pinching Pixie: PR/Review Info

I would like the opportunity to review products and or host sponsored giveaways here on my blog. I would also be open to placing sponsor space on my sidebars to companies I can build a blogging relationship with. I am a married, 27 year old female with two teenage daughters, so the tastes in my household are large and varied, all products are welcome.

That being said, as a reviewer I will not review anything that needs to be returned and I would expect all giveaways be shipped to the winner(s) from the hosting company.

As a reviewer I would:
Be prompt in reviewing any product I receive
Take a suitable amount of time judging and testing any product given to me
Be honest and fair in my assessment of any product given to me
Disclose any relationship with any company or product I review

If you are interested in having me review your product, and or have me hold a giveaway you can contact me at:

sweetimpishpixie (at) gmail (dot) com

Local Reviews
I would love the chance to review more budget friendly local companies, products, events, restaurants, and attractions here on my blog!

If you are in the Fort Worth or surrounding areas and would like some local coverage of your business, products, event, restaurant or attraction, please email me at:

sweetimpishpixie (at) gmail (dot) com

so we can discuss arrangements. Expected compensation would just be to have meal, admission, or product costs covered. I am available most Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Weekends. Please Contact me if you are interested.